I felt like in coming back to writing and being an artist with a more consistent practice, it made sense to do an artist study on myself. A lot has changed since the last time I wrote on this website, and as an artist, I’ve changed a whole lot too.
So, here’s me.
My name is Brittney Isbell, though most people call me Izzy—a nickname that’s been with me since high school. I’m a lady of many hats, and for a long time, I didn’t see myself as a “real artist” because my interests were so varied. But I’ve realized that being an artist isn’t about the medium—it’s about the heart you bring to whatever you create.
These days, I spend most of my time writing— like, a lot. I’m thinking in song lyrics. I’m writing about how i feel and i’m being really honest with myself about those feels. Recommitting to The Artist’s Way and consistently doing morning pages rooted in true vulnerability has been transformative. That’s how I ended up with this redesigned website. I needed a space to gather my work so I could see it all together. Sometimes, you gotta see it to believe it.
I sing, do hair, write songs, and play instruments. I make jewelry and dabble in visual art—abstract, geometric, and color-theory-based creations that make me feel glittery inside. I use colors and numbers to engage with the world; with my synesthesia, my senses overlap in ways that feel like magic. I’m deeply inspired by nature, “mistakes,” music, and sensuality. I try my best to operate with curiosity and wonder, staying childlike and pliable.
I’ve spent a lot of my life taking care of others, which has shaped how I approach my own goals and dreams. While I don’t regret the time I’ve spent being a source of stability, I’m learning how to pour that same care into myself and my art.
Through this site, I’ll share my musings, the things I’m watching and listening to, my art, and my jewelry. This is my little corner to connect with you outside of social media. Thank you for being here.